This ain’t your grandma’s egg nog!
Because, let’s face it, no one’s egg nog is that good! This is the closest we could get!
Heart of the City Holiday Local Food Sale
Place your orders now! Pay later!
Good news for those that missed the first chance to get egg nog/chocolate milk/butter in round one of our fund raiser — or for those that have already decimated supplies.
Thanks to the kindly volunteers at Heart of the City, there is a second chance to order. Place your order by 10 am Sunday, Dec 14th, for delivery Dec 21 in either Fort or Watertown. Pay at time of pick up.
1 Quart LW Dairy thick, creamy Egg Nog in glass bottle – $6, with $1 refund on bottle (Order one for your elderly neighbor — s/he’ll love the bottle.)
2 Quart LW Dairy thick, creamy, real Chocolate Milk in glass bottle – $6. Bring back glass bottle to get a $1.50 refund. (Order one for your grandson or daughter — s/he’ll dig the bottle.)
1 lb handrolled butter from LW Dairy. $6 for a salted pound of holiday treat. (Order one for your mail carrier — it’s an eyepopper)
Potters Crackers – from Potters — 1 sleeve of any of a variety of Potter’s Crackers $5
Proceed to order form and let Heart of the City and LW Dairy continue your holiday traditions.
Please share this info with friends. All proceeds go to connecting JefCo area students with local farms and small food enterprises, in order to improve health outcomes for students, improve the taste of school lunches, and improve the local farm/food economy.Think school gardens and farm to school events!Wow! All this and egg nog, too!
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