Heart of the City (HOC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit community service group (think “Friends of Fort Atkinson”) which encourages sustainable development, the preservation of existing and treasured civic characteristics, and active participation of the citizenry. It is devoted to increasing sustainability in our homes and communities through education, volunteer efforts, and engagement with neighbors and civic leaders.
Please note that our calendar includes not just our events, but other events of interest related to our mission.
NEXT MEETING-board and member- all are welcome to attend: Sunday April 28 at 9 am. Contact heartoffort@gmail.com for location information.
You may renew your membership by paying annual dues ($20) with this link.
Fort Farmers Market– a great place to support the local economy and healthy foods while enjoying community and music. The Market runs Saturday mornings from 8 to noon from May through October in the parking lot across from the post office. There is a winter market as well- details on website link above. Support local food.
The urban forestry workshop and film series are now past, but the need for a healthy urban forest and a response to the emerald ash borer remain. Information on dealing with the emerald ash borer is available at the city website.
Sign up for our newsletter, InfoBits, and keep abreast of volunteer opportunities, events, and issues in the community.